What we believe

Our statement of faith

Statement of belief

We believe in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe Jesus (The Son) came to earth to live and then to die on the cross to show God’s love.

We believe Jesus conquered death by rising from the dead.

We believe that after 40 days Jesus returned to heaven to rule.

We believe that the church is the body of Christ and we are the people through whom God brings about his purposes on earth.

We’re meeting alternate weeks Zoom and In-person. The dates and times for each are on the calendar. If you would like to have the Zoom link please contact us. 

We’re meeting alternate weeks Zoom and In-person. The dates and times for each are on the “What’s happening page.”

Trinity free church

Believers baptism

We encourage those who choose to become Christians by following the way of Jesus Christ to be baptised by full immersion.

This we call believers baptism. In being baptised a person makes a public proclamation of their intent to follow Christ.

Presentation of infants

We offer the opportunity for parents to bring their baby or young child to God to be thankful for his/her birth, to dedicate themselves to bring the child up within the Christian faith and for the baby to receive a blessing.

The presentation of infants (often called Dedication) is also an opportunity for the church to commit themselves to pray for and support the family.
